our buddy Al's got 'ya covered.
Hello loyal blog-readership (tumble-weed rolls across screen), you may have thought we were hibernating here at PtMiiC HQ over the last few months, but it couldn't be further from the Truth! Instead, we've been busily hacking away at the massive amount of content planned to fill the fifth and final issue we mentioned so many months ago, and now seems as good as a time for an update as ever. Deadline is still on schedule, so expect something before Cold Sun's "Here in the Year" becomes an apt soundtrack for your seasonal surroundings, though I've pushed back contributor deadlines to end of June instead of beginning. The format will be full size this time (that's ledger 11x17 in.) which will allow us a chance to really stretch things out, and I feel confident in saying right now that there should be a lot of expanded art work to accompany this issue, along with writing by not only "The Editor" and "The Journalist," but some folks that have been supportive of our humble zine since day one.
So the other day I was nugged at of my gored for the first time in awhile (unfortunately pot and writing simply do not compliment each other for me) and whilst shufflin' aimlessly 'round the Internet I decided to click a link to the Distort blog 'an see what DX's been up to. Imagine my surprise to find that a perceptive write-up on the entire run of 'Coffins' to date had been posted just a few hours earlier! Check that out
here, and really, it goes without saying that the blog is worth perusing in whole, as it seems to be getting frequent updates as of late and Dan puts most writer's (myself certainly included) to shame. (And not to get all ass-bruned over a review, but just to clarify in RE: to my original Ambulance review, any purchase of a record of that value would be looked upon more as an investment, and, as it was priced (relatively) low, a smart one at that. I don't go around dropping C-note after C-note on marginal Power Pop. Was more looking at it like I could likely trade this record for very desirable item(s) somewhere down the line or at very least get my cash back, but yeah, whatever. As for "genre exclusivity", you'll have to ask "The Journalist" about that, I'm still scratching me h'ead.)
Huh, what else? Well if your reality looks anything like mine, between the hours of roughly 3-5 PM, Monday-Friday, time tends to linger in suspended animation, progressing slower than an Antonioni-filmed sex scene starring two senior citizens. One recent recommended divertissement, pending you have access to the internet during these, or any other tedious moments of the day, can be found in issue one of
Surround online magazine, a new publication edited by Mark Flaum (with consultation provided by Jon Abbey) that focuses on EAI and other contemporary areas of abstract Experimental musics/musings. As is typically the case with coverage of such subject matter, I find the writing a little dry, stuffy and precious, but if you're interested in the topics of inquiry this provides a great resource, as the depth of insight is extensive. Of particular interest, I would imagine, to most 'Coffin' readers are pieces on Kevin Drumm, Vanessa Rossetto and Graham Lambkin's
Amateur Doubles, but I've definitely gotten something out of every article, academic verbiage (of which their honestly isn't
that much) be damned. Dig here:
I guess that's all for now. Tomorrow I make the trek North East (as in New England, not like Fox Chase) to interview a Great Man, indeed the Last of a dying breed, for the issue in question. I'm thinking that I might actually keep this space more active in the next few months, maybe post some live reviews and what not, as Issue V gets closer to hittin' the streetz, so keep an eye out if you find such a prospect enticing. Until then keep it trippy mane...
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